Cultivating Growth: Profile Products Promotes One, Adds Three to Horticulture Business

Profile® Products is pleased to announce the promotion of Michael Moore to regional sales manager for the Southeastern United States as well as three new hires for the Profile® Growing Solutions business: Nelson Gonzalez, Michael Hull and Gary Sainsbury.

In this role, Michael Moore will represent Profile’s full horticulture product portfolio while leading sales in the Southeast. Moore joined Profile in 2022 as an equipment support specialist for HydraFiber® products and associated processing equipment.

“Michael’s experience and knowledge of our HydraFiber products and AgriNomix equipment positions him perfectly to support both nursery and greenhouse growers in the southeast,” said Mark Wilson, sales director of horticulture at Profile.

Nelson Gonzalez is Profile’s new regional sales manager in Florida. Most recently, he  worked at ICL SpecialtyFertilizers and Atlas Peat and Soil. After graduating from Florida  International University, prior to joining Atlas, Gonzalez operated his own nursery in  Homestead, Florida.

“Nelson has an extensive knowledge of growing media substrates and controlled  release fertilizers,” said Brian Patterson, vice president of nutritional solutions at Profile.  “Because of his passion for helping customers find the right solutions, he is a fantastic  asset to Profile and our customers.”

Michael Hull is Profile’s new national distribution manager, a newly created position in  thecompany. A graduate of the University of Florida, Hull has a background in  agriculture and horticulture. Prior to joining Profile, Hull worked at Kemin Crop  Technologies.

“Michael’s expertise in total portfolio sales and distributor relations will be instrumental in driving initiatives forward and ensuring that we continue to strengthen industry relationships,” Patterson said.

Gary Sainsbury is Profile’s new regional sales manager for the Northeastern United  States and Eastern Canada. In this role, Sainsbury will support existing customers  while expanding Profile’s reach throughout the region.

“Gary’s diverse background and experience at Syngenta Flowers, T&L Nursery and  McGregor Plant Sales has set him up to integrate perfectly with our horticulture team,”  said Wes Martin, vice president of horticulture at Profile. “With strong relationships and  collaboration skills, Gary will allow us to continue delivering exceptional value to our  customers.”

Michael Moore
Southeastern U.S. regional sales manager
Nelson Gonzalez
Florida regional sales manager
Michael Hull
National distribution manager
Gary Sainsbury
Northeastern U.S. and Eastern Canada regional sales manager